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Performance & Reporting

Sustainability is about having a long-term perspective on people, the planet, and profitability, taking steps every day to create positive change. We are continuously evaluating and monitoring our ESG initatives to ensure positive progress from year to year.

Acting today for a better tomorrow

Odfjell has today one of the world’s most energy-efficient chemical tanker fleets. We know that we are exposed to the risk climate change poses, and continuously work to understand, assess and mitigate that risk:

  • We annually conduct a climate risk assessment in accordance with TCFD recommended disclosure. The asssessment is published here.
  • To prioritize and better understand what is material for Odfjell and our stakeholders from an ESG perspective, we conduct a materiality assessment. This assessment is published here and has been fundamental for the ESG reporting.
  • To ensure consistency in our reporting, we also refer to a set of reporting guidelines and standards such as the SASB, the Global Reporting Initiative, and the Euronext Guidelines.
  • The screening criteria for marine transport under the EU Taxonomy does not allow traditional deep-sea shipping to be taxonomy aligned for the time being. Odfjell meets all taxonomy screening criteria, except the criteria for climate mitigation. We publish our EU Taxonomy criteria evaluation here. As there are no criteria for terminals yet, Odfjell’s activity cannot be classified as green under the EU Taxonomy criteria per today.
  • We provide Account of Human Rights Due Diligence pursuant to Section 4 of the Norwegian Transparency Act.
  • We report on salary and other remuneration to leading personnel in Odfjell SE based on the requirements set out in the Norwegian Public Limited Liability Companies Act (the "Companies Act").

We measure our carbon intensity by the Annual Efficiency Ratio (AER). This is the same calculation used by the IMO for their Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII).

In 2023, we reduced our AER by 4.6%, to 7.55 for our operated fleet. We are ahead of our stated target to reduce carbon intensity by more than 50% by 2030.

For the ESG reporting, we follow the guidance of the Norwegian Shipowners' Association and the SASB framework. The climate risk assessment follows the TCFD framework, the nature risk assessment follows the TNFD framework, and the reporting is in line with the Euronext ESG reporting guidelines. We also report emissions to the EU MRV, the IMO DCS, the CDP, and the Poseidon Principles.

We annually present Communication on Progress (CoP) to the UN Global Compact and report sustainability data and documentation to EcoVadis as part of our commitment to transparently disclose our implementation of the Ten Principles and contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals.


Over the past years, Odfjell has been shortlisted and awarded several premium ratings
and awards for our ESG work, among others:

Odfjell wins prestigious Sustainable Shipowner Award

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OTC receives Maritime Environmental Stewardship Award

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Odfjell wins Environmental Award and is named 'Tanker Operator of the Year'

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