We provide worldwide, safe and efficient cargo handling and logistics, and serve a wide range of customers – from the oil majors and largest chemical manufacturers to smaller logistical companies and traders. With around 70 ships ranging in carrying capacity from 16,000 to 50,000 dwt, we offer shipping opportunities for almost any bulk liquid cargo requirement.
Odfjell provides services where time, predictability and reliability are essential, and we work hard to be safer and more efficient than anyone else in the industry.
We trade a dynamic portfolio of owned and chartered vessels in the spot and contract markets. Our vessels call on all major ports in Europe, the US, Asia, Africa, the Middle East and South America, and we arrange for transshipment of products to physically restricted ports and berths.
Odfjell also has a substantial presence in the regional trades in South Americas. Our fully owned Brazilian subsidiary Flumar allows us to have a significant presence along the Brazilian coast and the Mercosul area.