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Report a concern

The whistleblowing channel secures confidential and anonymous reporting to Odfjell of issues that should be brought to our attention, and where other reporting procedures cannot be used.

The purpose of this reporting hotline is to have a whistleblowing channel for the following concerns:

  • danger to life, health, safety or environment,
  • fraud, corruption or bribery
  • insider trading
  • breach of human rights or labour rights
  • harassment or discrimination
  • breach of Odfjell's Code of Conduct
  • non-compliance to any other policy or procedure
    (e.g. IT-security or data privacy policy)
  • non-compliance to any other legal or regulatory
    requirement applicable to the company (e.g. environmental regulations)
  • violations or crime (e.g. competition law, money laundering)


This channel is categorized in:

  • General reporting Shipping
  • General reporting Terminals
  • Environmental reporting Shipping

To raise a concern, please contact the persons below or report via the reporting hotline, please follow this link.

Compliance Officer Corporate

Øistein Jensen
Mob: +47 952 61 241

Designated Person Ashore (DPA)

Gunnar Moen
Mob: + 47 948 50 802

Chair of the Audit Committee

Jan Kjærvik
Mob: +47 901 57 723

Last updated 29.05.2024

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