Ingar Hjartholm, Tom Olaf Jensen, Jan Edvardsen and Roald Johan Olsen. Photo: Gunnar Eide
The four seafarers were awarded for their 25+ years of service to Odfjell and received a massive, well deserved round of applause from colleagues from sea and shore at the celebratory event in Bergen.
“This ceremony tells us that we all work for a company with a history that exceeds our work life. Your loyalty to the company has been an intangible value that is much appreciated. You are the ambassador of the culture of quality we have.
One thing about spending all this time with the same company is that you have been with us in good times and when we have had difficulties. Loyalty for Odfjell is a generous gift and something we can never acquire. For Odfjell, this is your reward to us.
The loyalty contains responsible care for Odjell’s values, a continuation of our culture and a competitive advantage. Loyalty is unique; we can only have loyal employees if we deserve it. Thank you.”
Svend Foyn-Bruun, VP Maritime Personnel

Tom Olaf Jensen, Fleet Electrician Engineer
Tom Olaf Jensen started his career in Odfjell in 1997 as Electrician on Bow Cedar and has since sailed as Electrician on a numerous Odfjell vessels and from 2001 he sailed Fleet Electrician Engineer.
Tom Olaf's contributions have been nothing short of remarkable, and one of many achievement stands out: He played an important role onboard Bow Firda where he installed the Engine Monitoring System. His exceptional expertise and diligence ensured the project's success, exemplifying his commitment to excellence.
Roald Johan Olsen, Captain
Roald Johan Olsen started his career in Odfjell in 1998 as 3rd Officer on Bow Saphir. In 2000 he was promoted to 2nd Officer on old Bow Viking and he sailed in the same position on old Bow Sea, Bow Faith and Bow Favour. In 2002 Roald Joan was promoted to Chief Officer on NCC Jizan. He has sailed as Chief Officer on Bow Cecil, Bow Fighter and Bow Chain, and also spent seven months at the office at MSG.
Roald Johan was promoted to Captain in 2010 on Bow Fortune and after sailing as captain for a year he worked as Marine Superintendent in the office in Bergen from 2011 until 2012 and from 2016 until 2017. He has also sailed as Captain on Bow Flower, Bow Jubail, Bow Star, Bow Faith, Bow Excellence and Bow Sun where he still serves.

Ingar Hjartholm, Cargo Handling advisor/supercargo
Ingar Hjartholm started his career in Odfjell in 1997 as 2nd Officer on old Bow Sun. Ingar sailed in same position on Bow Queen and on old Bow Viking. In 2001 he was promoted to Chief Officer on old Bow Sea and served in same position on Bow Heron and new Bow Sea.
Ingar was promoted to Captain in 2010 on Bow Mekka. From 2012 until 2014 he worked on a navigational project on shore before he again sailed as Captain on Bow Star, Bow Summer, Bow Sky, Bow Flora, Bow Flower, Bow Saga, Bow Chain and Bow Sea.
From September 2023 he came ashore to take on the role as Cargo Handling advisor/supercargo at the Bergen office.
Jan Edvardsen, Captain
Jan Edvardsen started his career in Odfjell in 1996 as Deck Cadet on Bow Lancer. After finishing his cadet training on NCC Jizan and Bow Cedar he was employed by Odfjell as 3rd Officer in 1998 on NCC Najran.
In 1999, he was promoted to 2nd Officer on Bow Cedar and he sailed in the same position on Bow Faith until promoted to Chief Officer in 2002, also on Bow Faith. As Chief Officer Jan took part in the delivery of Bow Sky and also sailed as Chief Officer on Bow Viking.
Jan was promoted to Captain in 2007 on Bow Viking. He has sailed as Captain on Bow Cecil, Bow Star, Bow Sea and Bow Spring where he still serves.