Odfjell prohibits any discussion or other communication about the purposes or effects that may be construed as an agreement or understanding, or an attempt to induce others to enter into an agreement or understanding, such as
- Fix prices with competitors
- Allocate markets or customers
- Discuss prices with competitors
- Restrict the supply of products or services to others
The following agreements or understandings with competitors may be illegal:
- Sharing information with a competitor
- Refusals to Supply Competitors or Customers
- Artificially high or low rates
- Exclusive Dealing
- Tying
- Discriminatory Discounting
Odfjell has appointed a Corporate Compliance Officer, responsible for carrying out Odfjell’s Compliance Policy and the training program.
Violations or suspected violations of the competition rules by Odfjell employees shall be reported to your superior or the Compliance Officer according to Whistleblowing Policy.
Any breach of competition law is likely to have serious consequences for Odfjell and those who work for Odfjell, and can result in a criminal prosecution against individuals, severe financial penalties and damage to Odfjell's reputation. Odfjell will therefore take a tough stance against violations of the competition rules and the Compliance Policy. Penalties may include pay reduction, demotion, termination of employment and dismissal.