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Flumar Brasil

Flumar Brasil
IMO number 9416836
Year built 2010
Builder SLS Shipbuilding Co. Ltd., Tongyeong, South Korea
Vessel name Flumar Brasil
Flag Brazil
Class Regional vessels
Number of Tanks 7
Length Over All (LOA) 183 m
Parallel Body Length (PBL) - Loaded condition 70.09 m
Parallel Body Length (PBL) - Ballast condition 60.54 m
Most Extreme Breadth (BEAM) 32.2 m
Draft at Deadweight Summer 13.135 m
Keel to Top of Mast (KTM) 50.5 m
Summer DWT 51 188 mt
Light Ship Weight 10 472 mt
Tonnes per cm (TPC) 52.3 mt
Summer Waterline to Manifold 8.1 m
Normal Ballast Waterline to Manifold 13.76 m
Rail to Manifold 4.475 m
Bow to Center of Manifold (BCM) 92 m
Deck Crane Maximum Outreach 10.3 m
International Tonnage Gross 29 756 mt
International Tonnage Net 13 755 mt
Suez Canal Tonnage Gross 31 041 mt
Suez Canal Tonnage Net 26 684 mt
Panama Canal Tonnage Net 24 665 mt
SPM as per OCIMF Yes
Tank Name 98 Percent Volume Tank Lining IMO Tank Type
1WP 2988.31 Epoxy Type 2
1WS 2992.23 Epoxy Type 2
2WP 4449.30 Epoxy Type 2
2WS 4449.30 Epoxy Type 2
3WP 4706.94 Epoxy Type 2
3WS 4706.94 Epoxy Type 2
4WP 4706.94 Epoxy Type 2
4WS 4706.94 Epoxy Type 2
5WP 4706.94 Epoxy Type 2
5WS 4706.94 Epoxy Type 2
6WP 4418.13 Epoxy Type 2
6WS 4413.04 Epoxy Type 2