Bow Sirius
IMO number | 9215294 |
Year built | 2006 |
Builder | Stocznia Szczecinska Nowa Sp. z.o.o., Poland |
Vessel name | Bow Sirius |
Flag | Norway |
Class | Poland |
Number of Tanks | 40 |
Length Over All (LOA) | 182.88 m |
Parallel Body Length (PBL) - Loaded condition | 100.216 m |
Parallel Body Length (PBL) - Ballast condition | 81.03 m |
Most Extreme Breadth (BEAM) | 32.2 m |
Draft at Deadweight Summer | 13.282 m |
Keel to Top of Mast (KTM) | 46.95 m |
Summer DWT | 49 539 mt |
Light Ship Weight | 14 338 mt |
Tonnes per cm (TPC) | 53.88 mt |
Summer Waterline to Manifold | 7.095 m |
Normal Ballast Waterline to Manifold | 13.83 m |
Rail to Manifold | 4.85 m |
Bow to Center of Manifold (BCM) | 92.94 m |
Deck Crane Maximum Outreach | 12 m |
International Tonnage Gross | 29 993 mt |
International Tonnage Net | 15 032 mt |
Suez Canal Tonnage Gross | 31 239 mt |
Suez Canal Tonnage Net | 2 709 mt |
Panama Canal Tonnage Net | 24 903 mt |
SPM as per OCIMF | Yes |
Contact | |
Tank Name | 98 Percent Volume | Tank Lining | IMO Tank Type |
1A | 1578.94 | StainlessSteel | Type 1 |
1DP | 351.80 | StainlessSteel | Type 2 |
1DS | 351.80 | StainlessSteel | Type 2 |
1WP | 829.98 | StainlessSteel | Type 2 |
1WS | 829.98 | StainlessSteel | Type 2 |
2A | 569.18 | StainlessSteel | Type 1 |
2B | 1707.55 | StainlessSteel | Type 1 |
2DP | 351.80 | StainlessSteel | Type 2 |
2DS | 351.80 | StainlessSteel | Type 2 |
2WP | 1447.58 | StainlessSteel | Type 2 |
2WS | 1447.58 | StainlessSteel | Type 2 |
3A | 569.17 | StainlessSteel | Type 1 |
3B | 1138.36 | StainlessSteel | Type 1 |
3C | 569.19 | StainlessSteel | Type 1 |
3D | 1138.37 | StainlessSteel | Type 1 |
3DP | 351.80 | StainlessSteel | Type 2 |
3DS | 351.80 | StainlessSteel | Type 2 |
3WP | 2557.34 | StainlessSteel | Type 2 |
3WS | 2557.34 | StainlessSteel | Type 2 |
4A | 1138.37 | StainlessSteel | Type 1 |
4B | 1707.55 | StainlessSteel | Type 1 |
4C | 569.19 | StainlessSteel | Type 1 |
4WP | 2593.46 | StainlessSteel | Type 2 |
4WS | 2593.46 | StainlessSteel | Type 2 |
5A | 2276.74 | StainlessSteel | Type 1 |
5B | 569.19 | StainlessSteel | Type 1 |
5WP | 2161.22 | StainlessSteel | Type 2 |
5WS | 2161.22 | StainlessSteel | Type 2 |
6A | 1707.56 | StainlessSteel | Type 1 |
6B | 569.19 | StainlessSteel | Type 1 |
6WP | 1725.77 | StainlessSteel | Type 2 |
6WS | 1725.77 | StainlessSteel | Type 2 |
7A | 1707.55 | StainlessSteel | Type 1 |
7B | 569.18 | StainlessSteel | Type 1 |
7WP | 1644.94 | StainlessSteel | Type 2 |
7WS | 1644.94 | StainlessSteel | Type 2 |
8A | 569.18 | StainlessSteel | Type 1 |
8B | 1631.80 | StainlessSteel | Type 1 |
8WP | 1393.29 | StainlessSteel | Type 2 |
8WS | 1393.29 | StainlessSteel | Type 2 |